Friday 24 March 2017

AB Waffen SS Grenadiers. Lovely figures to paint. I need 20 for my Normandy project so i painted these up. They are painted in a mix of plain tee,oakleaf and M44 pea dot.

Tuesday 21 March 2017

I have been working on some 28mm Perry Miniatures Sudan era British infantry. These are plastic from their great box set,lovely figures and so well thought out. I did not remove the mould line on the front and rear of their helmets as their pith helmets as it had a seam there,i removed it from the band around the helmet,deliberate mistake.

I painted these Perry Miniatures Plastic French Hussars to help keep me in the practice of painting Napoleonics. I have painted quite a number of Napoleonic figures in the past,but as i needed to keep in touch with the technique i bought a box to do just that. A customer saw the pics and they now belong to him.

Thursday 2 March 2017

These are the new S&S models dodge series models( very nice 1/72scale models) i did for a client,the command car,4x4 and 6x6, i added details to these models such as the tilt supports etc and stowage,the drivers and passengers are AB painted to my wargames standard, i have the one standard for vehicles.